
Kembali Ke Bali Perihal Turis Lokal


Kembali Ke Bali Perihal Turis Lokal

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Beautiful Rice Terraces in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

If you’re planning a trip to Bali, one of the must-see attractions is the beautiful rice terraces in Ubud. Tegalalang village, located in the heart of Ubud, is one of the top destinations for nature lovers and photography enthusiasts. With its stunning landscape, lush greenery, and breathtaking scenery, it’s no wonder why the rice terraces at Tegalalang village are considered a hidden gem in Bali.

Exploring the Rice Terraces

As you arrive in Tegalalang village, you’ll immediately be greeted by the endless rows of rice terraces that are carved into the mountains. The terraces extend as far as the eye can see, and the view is awe-inspiring. To fully explore the area, make sure to bring comfortable shoes and plenty of water, as you’ll encounter steep inclines and hot weather.

Strolling through the rice terraces, you’ll notice the intricate irrigation systems that feed the rice fields. The Balinese people have perfected this ancient technique, using gravity-fed systems to ensure that the rice fields receive adequate water. You’ll also see farmers working in the fields, maintaining the paddies and harvesting the rice. This is a great opportunity to learn about the rich culture and tradition of the Balinese people.

Capturing the Moment

The rice terraces at Tegalalang village offer unlimited opportunities for capturing beautiful photos. Whether you’re using a camera or your smartphone, there are plenty of spots to snap the perfect shot. From the top of the terraces, you’ll get a panoramic view of the entire area, while on the ground level, you can capture the small details, such as the vibrant green color of the rice plants and the reflection of the sky on the water. Make sure to stop at one of the many viewpoint cafes in the area, where you can enjoy a refreshing drink while taking in the incredible scenery.

After the Visit

After your visit to the rice terraces, there are plenty of other activities to enjoy in Ubud. Visit the nearby Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, where you can observe monkeys in their natural habitat. Or head to the Pura Tirta Empul, a beautiful temple that features ancient purification baths. For an unforgettable cultural experience, attend one of the traditional Balinese dance performances in the evening.


The beautiful rice terraces in Ubud, Bali are a must-see attraction for anyone visiting the island. With its stunning scenery and rich culture, Tegalalang village offers a unique experience that you won’t find elsewhere. Whether you’re a nature lover or photography enthusiast, the rice terraces are the perfect place to spend a day exploring and capturing the moment. So pack your bags and head to Ubud for the trip of a lifetime.

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